Look at any list of extremely dangerous jobs in the U.S., and you’ll likely find “construction worker” included somewhere. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 20% of all workplace deaths take place within the construction industry. Construction workers are also involved in roughly 150,000 accidents on job sites each year.
Do you have a first-hand understanding of just how dangerous working in construction can be? If you’ve ever sustained injuries on a job site, hiring a construction accident lawyer could set you on the path to a full recovery. Accident Hotline can assist you in locating a personal injury lawyer who will work on filing a lawsuit in connection to your case. They can help you seek financial compensation to cover the medical bills and other costs stemming from your accident.
What Are the Common Types of Construction Accident Injuries?
One of the reasons life as a construction worker is so dangerous is that you might sustain any number of potential injuries on a job site. For example, you could suffer a head injury if something falls or you yourself fall while working high up off the ground.
Head injuries aren’t the only potential injuries on a job site, either. Other common types of construction accident injuries include the following:
- Slips and falls that lead to deep lacerations, broken bones, and muscle strains and sprains
- Fires and chemical spills that cause burns and skin and lung irritation
- Structural collapses leading to fractured bones, back injuries, and more
Minor cuts and bruises are unavoidable on many construction sites and don’t warrant a lawsuit. But if you sustain a more serious injury that requires extensive medical care, you may want to seek the services of a construction accident lawyer. Let Accident Hotline guide you in the right direction as you look for a lawyer to represent you.
Contact our team today so we can fight to help you get the compensation you deserve.
When Should I Consider Calling a Construction Accident Attorney for Assistance?
You should consider calling a construction accident attorney for help if you were injured on a job site and believe someone else was to blame. When you file a lawsuit, you can make negligence claims against a coworker or a construction company. You can even explore filing a product liability claim if you suspect faulty construction equipment or materials may have led to your accident.
It wouldn’t hurt to speak with a lawyer, even if you’re unsure who should shoulder the blame for your construction accident injuries. Contact Accident Hotline to see which lawyers in your area have experience representing those hurt in the construction industry.
An experienced legal professional can examine the details of your case, determine their viability, and answer any questions you might have about your rights and responsibilities when seeking fair compensation. Should you decide to move forward, you can rest easier knowing you have an advocate ready and willing to fight for your rights while you focus on recovery.
How Do I Choose the Right Construction Accident Lawyer?
Choosing the right construction accident lawyer can seem like a tall order at first. Since a large number of construction accidents occur each year, there’s no shortage of lawyers who spend a fair share of their time working on workers’ compensation cases within the construction industry.
Touch base with Accident Hotline and allow us to shine a spotlight on the construction accident lawyers in your area. We can narrow your choice of attorneys in your city or town to those who understand the safety regulations impacting the construction industry.
Free Consultation 24/7, call 888-340-7454
How Do I File a Construction Accident Lawsuit?
As long as you select the right construction accident lawyer, you shouldn’t have much trouble filing a lawsuit with their help. Here are the steps you’ll take with your lawyer while looking into filing this lawsuit:
- Your lawyer will begin by assessing your case and letting you know if they feel it warrants a lawsuit.
- You’ll spend time thinking about whether you wish to take legal action.
- You’ll give a lawyer the go-ahead to start putting together the proper paperwork for your lawsuit.
- You’ll file a lawsuit and have the defendant in your case served.
- You’ll let your lawyer work on ironing out a settlement agreement and taking your case to court if an agreement isn’t reached.
The construction accident lawsuit process can take anywhere from a few months to several years, depending on how the defendant in your case responds. Trust the professional lawyers recommended by Accident Hotline to do a lot of the heavy lifting to keep your lawsuit trending in the right direction.
Call 888-340-7454
How Will I Benefit From Filing a Construction Accident Lawsuit?
You can benefit greatly from filing a successful construction accident lawsuit. If your construction accident lawyer earns you a settlement or wins you a judgment, you can secure the compensation you’ll need to pay for:
- Medical bills
- Rehabilitation services
- Lost wages
If you can’t work in the construction industry following a bad fall or another type of accident, your lawyer might even earn you a large enough settlement or judgment to cover your living expenses indefinitely. See what an attorney can do for you following a construction accident by reaching out to Accident Hotline for help.
Allow Us To Help You Locate the Right Construction Accident Lawyer
If you’re injured during a construction accident, it can rock your world by affecting your personal and professional lives. You might not regain enough strength to play with your kids at home like you normally do. You might also not make a speedy return to work, assuming you’re able to return to work at all.
Accident Hotline proudly serves clients from Michigan, Montana, and various other locations across the country. Hiring a local construction accident lawyer can restore a sense of normalcy by potentially wiping out many of your post-accident financial worries through the proper legal channels. It can also hold those who didn’t follow safety regulations accountable for their actions and discourage them from repeating their negligent behavior. Call us at 888-340-7454 today to begin your search for the right lawyer.
For a free consultation, call 888-340-7454