As a bicycle rider, you expect to be able to enjoy your time on the road safely. However, if a negligent motor vehicle operator isn’t paying attention, you could suffer injuries in a severe accident. Sadly, bicycles lack the safety measures of standard vehicles to protect you in the case of a crash. When you are facing a future of pain and a reduced ability to work, our bicycle accident lawyers are ready to help.
Accident Hotline has a track record of success helping injured people. We fight to protect your right to seek an award in a personal injury lawsuit for an accident that was not your fault. We are ready to begin seeking compensation for you today.
How We Can Help
Our network of personal injury lawyers serves victims throughout the United States. We understand many of our clients are going through an injury claim for the first time. Our experienced team walks you through the process and answers any questions you have. We want you to feel confident in the steps we take on your behalf.
Your personal injury lawyer will investigate the accident, looking for facts that show you did nothing wrong. Depending on local state laws, you may lose your ability to seek a claim if the insurer blames you for the accident. In other states, you may lose the ability to seek a full award amount.
Insurers sometimes omit or miss facts in their investigations in an attempt to blame you fully or partially for the collision. If they can reduce the amount they pay by assigning fault to you, they improve their profit margins.
Our bicycle accident lawyers conduct their own investigation seeking facts the insurer may have overlooked, showing that you did nothing wrong and have no liability. If it is proven the other driver was completely at fault, your lawyer can often seek the full award amount.
Estimated Value of Your Case
If you represent yourself against the insurance company, you may struggle to determine what your case is worth.
Insurers goal is often to pay victims as little as possible for their injuries. To that end, they might downplay the severity of your injuries and the medical costs you’ll have in the future.
Our attorneys leverage their experience in past cases like yours to help determine the value of your case. We then use the facts we find in our investigation to back up our valuation estimate, working hard in negotiations with the insurer to show that our calculations are fair and accurate.
Corresponding With the Insurer
After a severe bicycle accident, the insurance company for the driver who hit you will reach out to you. The insurance representative will ask you several questions about the crash, many of which might seem repetitive. Expect to receive several such phone calls in the days and weeks after the accident.
The insurer may use this tactic to see whether you’ll change your story about the crash. Even a slight change in how you describe the accident could be enough for the insurance company to claim you are lying and reduce the amount it offers for a financial award.
When you hire our bicycle accident lawyers, we handle all correspondence with the insurance company. You do not have to speak to the insurer’s representatives or attorneys without our team present. We handle all the legal aspects of your case. This gives you more time to focus on your health and attempted recovery.
Contact our team today so we can fight to help you get the compensation you deserve.
We Seek Awards in Multiple Areas
After suffering injuries in your bicycle accident, you will have new hardships in your life. Our bicycle accident injury lawyers fight for a fair outcome in multiple areas, including the following:
- Medical costs: You can receive payments for your current and estimated future medical costs. These may include treatments from doctors, prescription drugs, and necessary medical equipment.
- Lost wages: If you cannot work after the accident, you may receive an award for missed wages. You can receive payment for estimated future lost wages and employee benefits you missed out on receiving.
- Pain and suffering: Pain and suffering awards can include payments for ongoing pain, emotional trauma, and similar personal hardships. We want you to be as honest as possible with us about any difficulties you face. Only then can we accurately estimate the value of your case.
Some states allow you to seek punitive damages. These financial awards try to punish the motor vehicle operator who hit you for especially dangerous or reckless behavior.
Severity of Bicycle Accidents
As a bicycle rider, you know using caution around motor vehicles is important. However, you cannot anticipate the actions of every driver, especially one who behaves negligently.
If the other driver was speeding at the time of the crash, this increases the force of the collision on your body. You could end up with extremely severe injuries. Spinal cord injuries, concussions, and broken bones are all possible when a vehicle hits your bike. Such injuries could leave you unable to enjoy life like you did before the accident.
Our bicycle accident lawyers will speak with your doctors to determine the hardships you’ll be facing. We’ll then estimate the value of your case based on these hardships.
Free Consultation 24/7, call 888-340-7454
Reach Out to Us Today for Free
After a bicycle accident, you may have permanent injuries. You could have a lifetime of pain and physical hardships ahead of you. No one should have to go through such an ordeal because of another driver’s negligence.
Our bicycle accident lawyers will begin working on your case as soon as you hire us. We take over all correspondence with the insurer, investigate the accident, and represent you at hearings. Our work on the legal aspects of your case allows you to focus on your health. Call Accident Hotline today at 888-340-7454 for a free case review, or contact us online.
For a free consultation, call 888-340-7454